Sabancı University Website Usability Test

Sabancı University is a university operating in Turkey. The purpose of the desktop and mobile usability tests was to test the usability of the university website project we had previously worked on, identify existing issues, and make improvements.



Userspots Team Thor, 4 Weeks, 2019


UX Researcher


Usability Testing, Analyzing, Presentation

Tools I Used


Research Plan

Determining Topics to be Examined and Expected Learnings
  •  Can the site be easily contacted?

  •  Can information be easily obtained on the searched topic?

  •  Is it understandable?

Determining Methods and Participants
  • Determining the number and profiles of participants

  •  Determining the devices (web or mobile)

  •  Determining the test duration and structure

Determining Tasks
  •  Determining pre-interview questions

  •  Determining scenarios and questions

  •  NPS Surveys


Preparation of Usability Test Scenarios

Scenarios were created to measure the discoverability of the website, product review and selection, purchase process, order confirmation and tracking, and returns.


Conducting the Tests

Usability tests were conducted with six users in Userspots office laboratories on both web and mobile web platforms.


Analysis of Tests & Reporting

After conducting the tests, all collected data were analyzed. Lists of findings were prepared based on the analysis. These findings were then used to create a list of improvements, which was communicated to the company.

This project was carried out for Sabanci University within the Team Thor at Userspots in 2019.


1 Project Manager

2 UX Researcher & Designer

My Role: UX Researcher & Designer

My responsibilities: Scenario creations, usability testings, analyzing test outcomes and presentation creation